External Activities @Top Ranking D.Pharma College in Mathura

Extracurricular & Fun Initiatives at Top Ranking D.Pharma College in Mathura

Sanjay College of Pharmacy, a top ranking D.Pharma college in Mathura, believes education is not limited to books. The college aims to nurture future pharmacists and managers who are well-rounded individuals capable of positively impacting society. Along with conferences, seminars, guest lectures, and workshops from eminent people in the industry, the college also organizes several extra-curricular activities to help students develop various skills.

Top Ranking D.Pharma College in Mathura

Debate competitions are one of the extra-curricular activities that are treated as a part of the curriculum at Sanjay College of Pharmacy. These competitions help students develop critical thinking, communication, and public speaking skills. That’s not all. Being the top ranking D.Pharma college in Mathura, we have many other extra-curricular activities that we conduct.

Do you want to know more about them? If yes, check out this blog to know about two of the best extracurricular activities conducted by us. So, let’s get started!

Cultural Events for Self-exploration

Apart from debate competitions, the college also organises various cultural and sports events throughout the year. These events allow students to showcase their talents and develop a range of skills. Cultural events like dance and music competitions help students develop creativity and self-expression. Sports events like cricket, basketball, and volleyball help students develop teamwork, leadership, and physical fitness.

A Series of Clubs for Skills Development

At SCP, we also have various clubs and societies students can join to pursue their interests. The college has a photography club, a literary club, and a music club, among others. These clubs and societies provide students with an opportunity to pursue their interests and develop skills in areas outside their academic curriculum.

Pick Only SCP to Get Access to These Facilities

Being the top ranking D.Pharma college in Mathura, we also organise community service activities to encourage students to give back to society. Students are encouraged to volunteer at nursing homes, orphanages, and other non-profit organizations. It helps students develop empathy and compassion towards others and allows them to make a positive impact in the community.