Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab is meant for testing and identification of impurities; synthesis and purification of chemical compounds; identification of medicinally active compounds; and analysis of biological samples like urine, blood, etc.
Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab is suitable for analysis, quality assessment and quality control studies of drugs on finished products.
Central Instrumentation Lab provides instrumentation facility for students and faculty for conducting analytical practical & research work. This laboratory is well equipped with all necessary instrumental facilities such as: HPLC Visible & UV Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, Conductivity Meter, Potentiometer, Digital Balance, Flourimeter, Digital pH Meter, Brookfield Viscometer, etc.
Pharmaceutics help in training the students in drug formulations like tablets, capsules, parenterals, ointments, creams, eye drops, syrups, drug interaction, stability, shelf-life studies, etc. Different aspects of filling, packing, sealing, and labeling are studied by the students. Various practical aspects of Pharmaceutics like Physical Pharmacy, Unit Operation, Dispensing Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Community Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Engineering, etc. are taught to the students.
Main areas of research in the department of pharmaceutics include –Novel drug delivery systems (Polymeric & lipid based nanosystems), ocular drug delivery systems, transdermal drug delivery system, mucoadhesive drug delivery system and use of bio-polymers for NDDS.
Machine Room equipped with all the modern equipments and instruments related to the production and in-house quality control of tablets, capsules, liquids and injectibles.
Equipment available: Tablet Punching machine, Fluidized bed drier, Double cone blender, Tray drier, Brook field Viscometer, Filter press, Disintegration apparatus, Tablet coating machine, Capsule filling machine, Ointment filling & sealing machine, Friabilator, Ampoule sealing machine, Tablet Hardness tester, IR moisture balance, etc.
The Pharmacognosy Lab is equipped with Autoclaves, Microcentrifugator, Phase contrast microscope, 3D transmission electronic and scanning electronic microscope, Soxhlet apparatus, TLC apparatus with chamber, Microtome Blade, Clevenger apparatus, Hot air oven, Muffle furnace, Camera lucida etc. The primary objective of this lab is to provide practical exposure to Undergraduates and Research Students on different isolation and extraction techniques, to check the contamination as well as adulteration of crude drugs. Separation and purification of active constituents by different chromatography etc.
Medicinal Garden:Medicinal plants have a great role in human life and India has rich diversity of medicinal plants. The garden is systematic and well equipped with medicinal plants labelled properly with indigenous and scientific names. The garden is looked after by gardener and trained faculty. All the plant species were authentically identified by expert taxonomists. The objective of establishing this garden is to maintain a conservatory of the most common and important species of medicinal and aromatic plants which are being used in day-to-day primary health care.
Pharmacology department trains the students in subjects like Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology, Pharmacology & Toxicology. Students are given facilities to understand different systems of Human Anatomy & their functions & pathology with tools like models, charts, permanent slides, bones, skeletons, etc. Here students learn about general pharmacology, drug dose, mechanism of action of drugs, screening of drugs, etc. Pharmacology Labs are well equipped with Rotarod, Pole Climbing Apparatus, Convulsiometer, Analgesiometer, etc. & Computer software for the basic demonstration of Pharmacology experiments is provided.
Animal House: The department has well established animal house giving all the necessary care & facilities for hygienic housing of laboratory animals like Wistar rats, albino mice, etc. required for pre-clinical experiments. It has been air-conditioned for better up keeping and care of lab animals. Experiments on animals are done in accordance to the guidelines given by CPCSEA. Regular meeting of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee provides guidelines for breeding and betterment of animals.
To perform microbiology experiments like Validation of different sterilization process, Preparation of different types of culture media, Isolation and cultivation of micro-organism, Gram staining. Nurturing the features of newer technology introduced in field of biotechnology like Extraction of genomic DNA, Gel Electrophoresis, determination salivary amylase, etc.